Tuesday, May 13, 2014


We got registration number from government in 2009 for our foundation & since then working
in SANITATION, BASIC EDUCATION & READING sector in Rangpur area,specially Shapla Chottor.

Here we working with backward people like Rickshaw Pullers,Cobblers,Sweepers,Raw Hide/Tannery workers and their families.
They are poorest among poor.We work with their non education,early marriage & their unhealthy- unhygienic place of living.
We also working with young generation of this area.We try to make sure that they would not become spoilers.

We tell people to read.Read good books. We provide books for free reading.
We encourage people to know their past & present through reading of 
various types of book.We believe one will become  generous & good man by reading.
There is no alternative except reading.Along with academic books everyone have to read good books of the world for their mental construction.

Backward people must know their history,culture, rights,scopes & religion. To know all these what
is better than reading.We also try to make sure every children must go to school for general education in our community & they will become responsible man in future.
We help them by giving various equipment of education.We also tell people do not get marriage before 21. Female education expansion also our goal.

For last 3 years we are maintaining a book library for free reading. At the same time we also donate books to brilliant,poor & 
needy readers.

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