Wednesday, May 14, 2014


 Gov.Reg.No. S 9005/2009
Hazipara,Shapla Chottor,Alamnagar,Rangpur,Bangladesh

1.    General details of organization

Name of organization : Khazahar Ali Momo Foundation(KAMF)                
Project title : Hashi-Khusir Jibon (A Smiling Life)                
Name of contact person : T.I.M.Rowshan Alam                
Correspondence address ; 49/2,Hazipara,Shaplachottor,Alamnagar,Rangpur,Bangladesh.                Postcode:5400                
Place of business: Shapla Chottor,Alamnagar,Rangpur,Bangladesh                
Telephone number: +88(0521)64386. Mobile:+8801717108707                
E-mail address :                
Website ;n/a                
Legal form of organization applying for funding : Attached             

2.    Goal

The goal of “Hashi-Khushir Jibon (A Smiling Life)” project is to give a good family with solvent economic background to every school going children of Shapla Chottor area. Also to make sure that there will be no worry for them & their families about education, health, sanitation & better future.

3.    Background
For last 5 years KAMF is working on backward people of Rangpur,Shapla Chottor area; like Rickshaw Pullers,Cobblers,Sweepers,Raw Hide/Tannery workers and their families.We are working hard with their education,health,sanitation & humanity issues.We also working with young generation. We try to make sure that they would not become spoilers.But these sectors are not sustainable with them for poverty.
A Rickshaw puller or a cobbler or a tannery worker earns less than $5/day. How he will be able to meet his family’s every important need? We have learned from our experience that without economic freedom better living is impossible. If there is not a constant healthy income source in a family there will be no humanity no education also no sanitation. If the headman of a family doesn't earn enough,the above mentioned programs are nothing but mockery.
Economic freedom comes by a proper profession change. Now there is a great chance to these poor people to change their life through changing of profession. Auto rickshaw vehicle has brought this opportunity to them. . A person with an auto rickshaw & if he himself drives it can earn Tk.1200($16)** daily after its maintenance cost. It is also very easy to drive this vehicle. Any able person can drive it with 2 hours practice. As these vehicle run by charging system through battery,they are environment friendly. Auto rickshaw is now a very popular vehicle of passenger transport for short distance in our country. The price of an auto rickshaw is Tk150,000 nearly $2000.

So The foundation wants to go with the project to give an auto rickshaw to each poor family of Shapla Chottor area in which there are school going children. 

4.   Initiator

KHAZAHAR ALI MOMO FOUNDATION has got its registration in 2009. From January 2009  we are working on HEALTH, SANITATION, BASIC EDUCATION & HUMANITY issues in Rangpur Alam Nagor area, specially in Shapla Chottor. 
We are running this foundation mainly on donation from local well wishers. Cloths,mainly for females; are embroidered by the trained woman from the poor family & taken to the open market for sell is also one of the sources of fund for our foundation.
According to the memorandum of association of the foundation there is an executive council of 9 members, who looks everything of the foundation works. Politicians & terrorists are forbidden here.
Chairman or selected member by executive council of the foundation is responsible for the implementation of every project. He is helped by 2 supervisors, who are employee of the foundation.
Our organization is trying to do 3 different job here,building a strong economic condition,making sure of education & working for development of humanity. So we are special than other profit making organizations. 

5.    Management and supervision

As we mentioned above Chairman or selected member by executive council of the foundation monitors all the works of the foundation. He with the help of 2 supervisors & finance secretary produce monthly & quarterly statements for executive council meeting which held in first Friday of the month. For this project  we have to recruit 2 supervisors more.

6.    Activities
We have sleeted 75 poor families, each contains minimum 2 school going children for The Smiling Life project.  We will give 50 auto rickshaws to 50 families first.In the next year remaining families will get the vehicles. There will be a mandatory savings system in which every beneficiary family, after taking an auto rickshaw; have to contribute $4/day for 1 year. The foundation will maintain the account on behalf of their school going children & also will provide all the necessary requirement for their proper education &  sound health. It will be the foundation's responsibility to make sure that children of these families become best generation ever.

7.    Results and reach

After saving $4/day for child's future 1 family will earn $4320/year. Which is more than enough to maintain a family of 6 members. If we can able to make sure of 75 vehicles on the road, 75 family will be through their way to better living by a strong & new economic condition. Poverty will be far behind them. 
By the proper utilization of the savings fund the foundation will be able to take care of beneficiary children's future through good education & healthy way. There will be enough money for their higher studies also. 
After successful completion of this project 75 families with more than 400 family members will be in solvent economic order. They will be able to live a happy & healthy life. 
So an auto rickshaw to 1 needy poor family will bring ever lasting smile to their face.

8.    Time scale of initiative

Initial time scale of the project is 2 years. But the foundation have to carry on this until the school going children of the beneficiaries reach the age of 21.

9.    Brief budget and financing scheme
 Total primary budget for this project is $160,000

     a.Price of 75 auto rickshaws($2,000/unit)                   $ 150,000
     b.Supervisors salary(24 months)                                $     9,000
     c. Audit cost                                                               $       500
     d. Miscellaneous                                                        $       500
                                                                                        $ 160,000             
So we need $150,000 to buy 75 auto rickshaws.
Other cost shown above will be maintained by the foundation.
The expected required financing/grants for first year is $100,000 & for second year is $50,000.

10.    Conclusion

There are lots of organisation in Bangladesh who works with poor people.But as we are local of Rangpur shapla chottor area we have never seen any one working with these backward people for any positive purpose. Some well known micro-credit providers came here with their operation, finally they become the burden to these poor families. 
We want to make this life easy for everyone we know. Please donate us $150,000(in two steps) to make life little easier & happier to the most poorest people of the universe.

**$1 = Tk.75 

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