Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Men tend to show their rage more than women, but anger can increase cholesterol levels and suppress your immune system—it may even give you a heart attack. So what can you do to defuse it?

■  Take three deep breaths. Breathing deeply helps you release tension and lower your feelings of internal anger.

■   Don’t punch a pillow. Studies have found that, far from helping, hitting something only serves to increase your hostility.

■   Remember, whoever loses it, loses. Losing your temper makes you look like the bad guy, no matter who’s at fault. Visualize a scene in which you got angry and replay the “tape” several times, each time imagining yourself responding in a different way. That will give you new options for dealing with tricky situations.

■   Picture a red stop sign in your mind. Alternatively, wear a rubber band on your wrist and snap it when you find your anger beginning to boil. Then take a few minutes to put the issue into perspective.

■  Don’t get mad, get active. Jump on your bike and go for a ride or attack the weeds in your garden. Vigorous activity helps dissipate anger.

■  Invest in an iPod. Then, when you feel yourself getting riled, switch on your portable music player, pop your headphones on and tune out the aggro.

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