Menopause is a natural part of a woman’s menstrual cycle that marks the end of her child-bearing years. Though many women look forward to it as a positive new stage, the physical changes that take place often leave her oestrogen levels in a flux.
Fluctuating oestrogen levels can cause a wide variety of symptoms. The degree to which women experience them varies – they can range from being a minor nuisance, to being quite debilitating. Some of the more common symptoms associated with menopause include:
- hot flushes
- night sweats
- disrupted sleep
- memory difficulties
- hair loss/abnormal hair growth
- weight gain
- decreased energy levels
- anxiety
- vaginal dryness
Fortunately, the effects of menopause are treatable. With some, such as anxiety, all that may be necessary is sharing your thoughts and feelings with a close friend or counsellor.
Other symptoms may require medical assistance. Most treatments intended to alleviate symptoms of menopause use oestrogen, or produce oestrogen-like effects. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is one of the best known options. It is often encouraged for women who have undergone early menopause (ie aged under 45), or as a result of a hysterectomy or surgical removal of the ovaries,etc),to help avoid loss of bone density due to lowered oestrogen levels.
However, HRT is not suitable for everyone.It is not usually recommended for women who have experienced breastcancer, or for those with a health condition such as diabetes. There are a variety of non-hormonal medications, including topical creams and herbal supplements available to help manage the various symptoms of menopause.
One popular ingredient in menopause-related products is black cohosh, a herb native to North America and often used in traditional Native American medicine for a variety of ailments. However, when selecting a black cohosh-based supplement it’s important for women to carefully investigate the product before purchasing.
“Just as all coffee and all chardonnay aren’t the same, not all black cohosh is the same. With herbal medicine, some products are well-made and have been tested in studies, but there’s no way for consumers to tell the difference,” said Dr John Eden, associate professor of reproductive endocrinology at the University of New South Wales, speaking to the Sydney Morning Herald in September of last year.
A 2013 review published in the medical journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (eCAM) assessed a number of black cohosh products. The study’s findings indicated that only registered medicinal black cohosh products were able to show evidence of reducing menopausal symptoms – so before utilising black cohosh-based products, make sure you speak to your doctor or pharmacist to find out which product is likely to be most effective for you.
Your doctor will be able to provide more detailed information on which treatment is best for you – and it may be necessary to try a number of different products, before you settle on one.
Menopause can be a challenging time, but it’s good to remember that it’s also the beginning of a new and rewarding chapter of life. Hot flushes may come and go, but a positive attitude to “The Change” will help see you through!
N.B. Symptoms associated with menopause may also be indicative of a number of other health conditions. If you suspect that you may be beginning menopause, you should speak to your doctor as soon as possible, to address the effects efficiently.
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